Warners Chief Diversity Officer: We'll Make Dissenters to DEI Miserable Enough to Leave

He doesn't specify that he wants white men to self-deport, but, come on, they're the people getting screwed by DEI, so they're the ones most likely to oppose it.


And his response is just to make conditions at the company unlivable for them so that they'll leave, supposedly of their own accord, thus sparing the company the need to fire them and the hazard of racial discrimination lawsuits. ...

He continued, "Focus on the ones who want to change because that way you start changing culture. And if you change culture often those people who don't come around will start saying this place isn't the way it used to be and they'll leave themselves, which is great!"

Ed Morrissey

Sounds great ... in theory. In practice, though, corporations have tried similar strategies to avoid layoffs by making conditions miserable enough to depart. And who leaves? It's largely the people who can readily find jobs elsewhere -- the people with the skills and experience these companies need to succeed. Who doesn't leave? Primarily those who can't easily find work elsewhere. It's called "brain drain," and it's a recipe for mediocrity or worse. 

But then again, so is DEI, where skills and achievement matter less than immutable characteristics and cult-like obedience. 

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