Something remarkable happened in Ireland over the weekend. Just in time to celebrate International Women's Day and Irish Mother's Day (here often called "Mam's Day" or colloquially, "Mammy's Day"): the plain people of Ireland (in Flann O'Brien's memorable phrase) resoundingly rejected a freshly sprung trap against their constitution and their common sense. By roughly 70-30 percent, voters turned two thumbs down on a pair of amendments that basically would have eliminated the word "women" and their important role in the Irish home, and redefined the terms "family" and "care" to reflect more "modern" -- read: Leftist -- values. As the New York Times story whined in its subhed: "Two proposed amendments, which voters considered on Friday, were intended to reflect the more secular, liberal values of the nation’s modern era."
Thus did the progressive, radical, anti-Semitic, and Ukrainian-loving coalition government that currently controls the Republic of Ireland go down to an ignominious and fully deserved defeat.
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