In Ireland, a Very Happy Mammy's Day

Something remarkable happened in Ireland over the weekend. Just in time to celebrate International Women's Day and Irish Mother's Day (here often called "Mam's Day" or colloquially, "Mammy's Day"): the plain people of Ireland (in Flann O'Brien's memorable phrase) resoundingly rejected a freshly sprung trap against their constitution and their common sense. By roughly 70-30 percent, voters turned two thumbs down on a pair of amendments that basically would have eliminated the word "women" and their important role in the Irish home, and redefined the terms "family" and "care" to reflect more "modern" -- read: Leftist -- values. As the New York Times story whined in its subhed: "Two proposed amendments, which voters considered on Friday, were intended to reflect the more secular, liberal values of the nation’s modern era."


Thus did the progressive, radical, anti-Semitic, and Ukrainian-loving coalition government that currently controls the Republic of Ireland go down to an ignominious and fully deserved defeat. 

Ed Morrissey

A friend of mine here in central Texas texted me when the vote got published, expressing a great deal of surprise over the outcome. We had both assumed that the push leftward demonstrated by the repeal of the constitutional ban on abortion meant a Full-Woke Ireland. Instead, this turned into a full-scale repudiation of the Brussels Elite, and may shake the pillars of power farther than just in Dublin. 

Read all of Michael's excellent analysis, as he's watched developments in Ireland more closely than I have. 

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