A Revitalized Palestinian Authority? Pass

The two main prongs of Joe Biden’s proposed policy for “the day after” the Israel-Hamas war ends are (1) the creation of a Palestinian state and (2) the policing of Gaza by a “revitalized” Palestinian Authority. Israel would be crazy to accept either prong.


Creating a Palestinian state would reward Palestinians for the October 7 massacre. It would make Hamas legendary heroes for finally bringing to fruition the Palestinians’ dream of a state of their own. It would end Israel’s ability to police the West Bank, thus converting that territory into an entity capable of attacking Israel even more effectively than Hamas did from Gaza in October.

As for having the PA police Gaza, it’s a non-starter. This article by the Washington Post demonstrates that, in the words of its paper edition headline, “Palestinian security forces [are] ill-equipped for [the] postwar role envisioned by [the] U.S.” (The internet version’s headline calls that role “improbable.”) Nor, says the Post, does the PA even want such a role.

Ed Morrissey

Why should Israel agree to statehood for a population that wants to annihilate Israel? Would we grant statehood to ISIS? Hamas wants to establish a caliphate in Israel, too. Fatah may be less theocratic, but they're every bit as annihilationist; they also chant "from the river to the sea," and mean it literally. 

If the Palestinians want statehood, then they need to organize a responsible leadership that accepts Israel and is willing to govern its territories without threatening the Israelis. They've had 77 years to do that. Maybe now that every other option has failed repeatedly, they should try something new. 

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