SCOTUS Delivered a Blow to the Lumberjack School of Con Law

During the first Trump impeachment in 2019, I cautioned Democrats not to toss aside constitutional standards out of their hatred for the president. I quoted from the play “A Man For All Seasons,” when Sir Thomas More is told by his son-in-law that he would “cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?” More responded, “And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned ‘round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat?”


As More described England, the United States also is “planted thick with laws, from coast to coast.” The nation’s highest court on Monday decided to leave them standing. ...

Well, the court rejected that “unassailable” theory in a unanimous decision. While Tribe’s view was repeated with little contradiction on many networks and newspapers for months, it failed to garner a single vote from either the left or the right of the court.

Ed Morrissey

The progressive Left are nihilists at their core. They want to destroy institutions in order to remake them in their own image. They cannot win through persuasion, so they have been on a decades-long campaign to undermine institutions and turn them into tools for their agenda. They have succeeded in Academia and the media, the latter of which can be particularly seen in the reaction to the court's decision. 

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