The Backlash in Deep-Blue America

Consider the following:

  • In progressive San Francisco, voters frustrated by the twin crises of homelessness and overdose deaths are poised to back a series of law-and-order ballot proposals. Notably, the city’s Democratic mayor, London Breed, supports the measures.

  • In Oregon, the state legislature has just recriminalized drug possession after a two-year experiment in decriminalization that led to a massive spike in overdose deaths.

  • In deep-blue Washington, D.C., council members face recall efforts amid rising violent crime. 

  • In New York last week, Eric Adams called for a major overhaul of the city’s sanctuary city status. 


These are among the most progressive places in the country. And yet all of them are embracing policies and candidates that signal a shift toward what you might call common sense.

Ed Morrissey

I doubt that these voters will suddenly become Republicans in 2024, especially with Donald Trump on the ticket. But a lot of them may not show up to vote at all. Democrats are hoping to counter that with their panic porn about Trump, but that's starting to look pretty threadbare even to the Democrats' urban voter base, it seems. 

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