'OK, You Be Good to My Boy'

Jason Galanis' transcribed Feb. 23 interview under oath exposes how the Biden family allegedly capitalized on then-Vice President Biden's high office with the "goal" of raking in "billions, not millions," including the now-famous incident of Joe Biden telling Russian business clients to "be good to my boy."


"Our goal — that is, Hunter Biden, Devon Archer, and myself — was to make billions, not millions," Galanis said in his opening statement to the House Oversight, Judiciary, and Ways and Means impeachment inquiry investigators, according to the transcript obtained Monday by Newsmax. ...

"We were told to go to an area of the restaurant to gather because Hunter was going to call his father," Galanis said. "Hunter called his father, said, 'Hello,' and 'Hold on, Pops,' then put the call on speaker phone and said, 'I'm here with our friends I told you were coming to town, and we wanted to say hello.'

"The vice president said, 'hello,' and some pleasantries, 'Hope you had safe travels,' and seemed like he wanted to bring the call to an end by saying, 'OK you be good to my boy.'

Ed Morrissey

That certainly seems important, especially since Biden was still in office in 2014 when Galanis testified this occurred. Two Russian investors were present at this meeting, the intended audience for the "be good to my boy" exhortation. 

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