Has the Obamastablishment Lit the 'Dump Biden' Beacons?

Just a guess, but I think the word has gone out from the Obama redoubt in Martha’s Vineyard and/or his shadow White House in Kalorama that the New York Times needs to lead the push this week to force Biden out of the race. The Times is doom-scrolling its latest poll showing Biden on his way to certain defeat to Trump. Yesterday’s installment gave the raw numbers—Biden is eroding across the board.


Today the Times is out with another headline of doom, whose contents could have been part of yesterday’s story, except the Times wants to mile their poll for maximum effect. Biden’s own voters think he is too old ...

I’m guessing those “quiet conversations” will start to be less quiet fairly soon. Gavin Newsom has his phone programmed on speed dial.

Ed Morrissey

They can't dump Biden and bypass Kamala Harris. That's especially true if the Obamastablishment (my term, not Steven's) is calling the shots. They'll have an easier time running Harris than Newsom, and a far easier time running Harris than other and better Democrat-governor alternatives. 

As for the beacons, well ... you all know that I'm a LOTR nerd, right?

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