Hamas Official: Hostage Statuses 'Valuable,' Can't Be Given for 'Free'

Hamas official Basem Naim said on Monday to the Anglo-France-Presse (AFP) that the terror group did not know which of the hostages were dead or alive. ...

The same Hamas official, in an interview with the BBC, said that the hostages "are in different areas with different groups" and Hamas "have asked for a ceasefire to collect that data [on which hostages are alive and where.]"


Continuing the BBC interview, Naim asserted that information relating to the hostages was "valuable" and could not be given "for free."

Ed Morrissey

The takeaway from this is that Israel has to stop making hostaging valuable in the first place. Hamas wants to manipulate their way from a catastrophic defeat to an arguable victory-by-survival by using the remaining hostages whether or not they're still alive. If Israel plays along, they are condemning more of their citizens to kidnappers in the future. 

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