'A Global Laughingstock'

Yesterday Judge Scott McAfee held a three-hour hearing for oral argument by the attorneys on the disqualification motion. Harry was the star of the show. His thirteen-minute argument begins at 01:12:40 of the video of the hearing at the bottom. Students of ancient history may recall the role of CBS News in Rathergate. It has posted a decent account of the hearing.


I have my doubts that Judge McAfee will grant the disqualification motion, but I have no doubt that he should or that Harry accurately captured the essence of the evidence before the court. Referring to the Office of the Fulton County District Attorney and the Willis/Wade matter, Harry concluded: “This office is a global laughingstock because of their conduct.”

Ed Morrissey

And not just the DA's office, but all of the media as well have become global laughingstocks. I am a little surprised at Scott's skepticism about McAfee and the DQ motion. I suppose there's a chance McAfee will deny it in the end, but he made a particular point yesterday in correcting the attorney representing Fulton County that the standard wasn't actual impropriety but the appearance of impropriety. If that's what McAfee needs to see, then this case was likely over the first day of testimony. The rest has been, I think, McAfee's attempt to make sure he touches all the bases before stomping on home plate. 

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