What Really Happened at the Gaza Food Trucks?

The garbage media is running with Hamas propaganda today after Palestinians died overnight (their daytime) during chaos that surrounded food trucks.

Take for instance this headline and story from CNN: “More than 100 killed as Israeli forces open fire in chaos at Gaza food lines, Palestinian health ministry says”


More than 100 people were killed in chaotic scenes in northern Gaza where Israeli troops opened fire, triggering panic as hungry Palestinian civilians were gathering around food aid trucks, Palestinian officials and eyewitnesses said.

People had swarmed around newly arrived aid trucks in western Gaza City in the hope of getting food, when Israeli forces started shooting, according to witnesses. Many of the victims died when they were run over by trucks in the chaos, according to one account

The Gaza Health Ministry is Hamas and the media knows this. Yet they keep using it as a good source even though they know Hamas lies, as they did last year when a terrorist rocket hit a parking lot outside a hospital and Hamas claimed the IDF bombed it and killed thousands.

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