How *Did* Bushnell Get a Security Clearance?

Bushnell was involved with far-left domestic terrorist networks online. A Reddit account reportedly belonging to Bushnell shows the deceased airman “mocking deceased U.S. military members and supporting intimidation of elected officials,” according to investigative journalist Andy Ngo, who posted screenshots of Bushnell’s Reddit activity on X.


“He was also a booster of the Atlanta terrorist ‘Stop Cop City’ movement,” Ngo added. “61 members of that network have been indicted on [the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act], terrorism and/or money laundering charges.”

Yet Bushnell was assigned to the 70th Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Wing at Fort Meade in Maryland. J. Michael Waller, a senior analyst for strategy at the Center for Security Policy, wrote on X that Fort Meade “is considered a euphemism or shorthand for [National Security Agency (NSA)], though it has yet to be reported officially that he was assigned to NSA proper.”

Ed Morrissey

I somehow doubt we'll ever get answers to this question, given the administration of the moment, but it's still necessary to ask. An even better question is how someone with this psychological profile even got assigned to an intel unit in the first place. There are major breakdowns at the DoD even apart from Lloyd Austin's incompetent leadership issues, and the politics of these breakdowns all seem to run in one direction -- to the Left. 

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