NEW: Williamson Un-Suspends Campaign; Biden 'Clearly a Weak Candidate'

In a statement, released the day after the Michigan primary in which a sizable amount of Democratic voters selected "uncommitted" in a protest vote over President Joe Biden's Middle East policy, Williamson pointed to what she said was the president's vulnerability in a general election matchup against former President Donald Trump.

“Donald Trump’s power is on the incline, and President Biden’s is on the decline," Williamson said, while calling Biden “clearly a weak candidate to defeat Donald Trump in 2024.”

Ed Morrissey

I'll have more on the Michigan primary results in a full blog post later this morning, but the "Uncommitted" vote total is not unusual, nor is it likely to be because of Biden's Middle East policies. But Williamson is right that the results show Biden's "weak" candidacy. Stay tuned, but perhaps Williamson should be asked to explain why four times as many chose "Uncommitted" than voted for her. That seems pretty "weak" too. 

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