Fani Willis’ Horrible, Terrible, No Good, Very Racist Workplace

Willis’ claim on the DA office came from soliciting votes on the “Get Trump By Any Means Necessary” platform. Prosecution of actual crimes? Don’t be silly. That’s all been solved in Atlanta, Georgia. So nevermind that Fani canoodles with her paramour on taxpayer dollars and cynically uses Georgia’s RICO statute on non-mobsters (a temptation seen in other self-aggrandizing district attorneys across the nation). ...


Willis’ hubris is unbounded and so she signed off on a DEI training session that more resembled a Chinese Communist Struggle Session where people of pallor were excoriated as irredeemable villains.

Wow, that sure makes for an civil workplace and commitment to teamwork, eh?

This just adds more context to the dumpster fire of Willis’ aggressive testimony of couple weeks ago. 

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