A Moment of Truth: 5 Questions for Hunter Biden

This is a moment that has been building for years. After committing open contempt of Congress with a sensational press conference outside of Congress, Hunter is facing a target-rich environment for investigators who have detailed millions that allegedly went to him and his family members from foreign sources in China, Russia, Ukraine, and other countries.


Hunter will have the difficult task of maintaining two seemingly conflicting narratives. On one hand, he has claimed that he was given millions due to his skills and knowledge. On the other hand, he has repeatedly dismissed embarrassing evidence or his lack of memory as the result of being in the throes of addiction…for years.  The spins seem to whip wildly between “Hunter the globe-trotting business genius” and “Hunter the blacked out junkie.”

There are dozens of questions concerning “loans” and transfers to Hunter that will be explored over a full day of questioning. However, five basic questions should be priorities for investigator assuming that Hunter does not simply plead the Fifth Amendment to remain silent.

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