So Much for Retail Self-Checkouts

Grocery stores, home improvement stores and retail chains were all making room for those blinking green lanes of sweeping, modern shopping convenience (or so they said) – the self-checkouts where you become cashier and bagger.


If you’ve ever visited Target on a Sunday evening and have seen the snaking lane of self-checkout customers weaving into the store, you know.

But you may be seeing fewer of them in major retailers nowadays, and you can blame California’s retail crime wave.

Ed Morrissey

This is a few days old but still worth a read. I don't think it's the organized mass thefts that are the issue, because those rarely involve point-of-sale stations. Those are grab-and-goes, increasingly with impunity. 

The problem here is more about individual thefts that use the self-check stations as a cover. The perp scans a few items and pays for them, giving the impression of compliance, and then steals a cartful of products that they can sell online. If caught, they just claim that the register malfunctioned. I saw this exact sequence on On Patrol Live a few weeks ago, in fact, although in that case the woman claimed she'd paid through the WalMart app. 

Retailers will likely still offer these, but only for small amounts -- 15 items or less, perhaps. The WalMart local to me has already made that a policy. 

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