Poison Ivy Prez Sanctioned Prof's Speech While Green-Lighting Anti-Semitic Event

The former president of the University of Pennsylvania, Liz Magill, who resigned in December after telling a congressional panel that calls for genocide of Jews did not necessarily constitute bullying or harassment, signed off last year on sanctions for a professor who had criticized diversity initiatives.


Magill accepted the recommendations of a Penn hearing board in August to suspend Amy Wax, a tenured law professor, for a year at half pay and to strip her of a named chair, according to a report from Philadelphia Inquirer and documents obtained exclusively by the Washington Free Beacon. ...

Magill signed off on the penalties just weeks before she defended the right of Penn faculty to host the controversial Palestine Writes literary festival featuring prominent anti-Semites, some of whom have likened Israel to the Nazis, claimed "most Jews" are "evil," and blamed Jews for destroying Europe’s economy. In doing so, Magill cited the paramount importance of free expression on campus. "We … fiercely support the free exchange of ideas as central to our educational mission," Magill said in a September statement. "This includes the expression of views that are controversial and even those that are incompatible with our institutional values."

Ed Morrissey

Penn's off the hook with Magill's resignation, I suppose, but it should answer why this passed muster in the first place. 

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