And Now, Scotland's Willy Wonka Fyre Festival

Advertised as a "journey filled with wondrous creations and enchanting surprises at every turn," the organizers utilized colorful but wonky AI-generated images to promote the event. You'd think a photo of Willy Wonka with misshapen fingers and warped features would turn people away.


The experience was run by a group titled House of Illuminati, charging £35 ($44.39) per ticket. Customers were stunned to find that the event's promises were nothing more than pure imagination. It was held in a large, creepy warehouse, complete with a small bouncy house, a few candy statues, and lazy decorations. One visitor said it was a little more than "an abandoned, empty warehouse," according to the BBC. ...

An image circulating on social media shows a woman dressed as an Oompa Loompa surrounded by smoke and lab equipment, but she didn't look to be making candy. People commented how the setup looked similar to a "meth lab."

Ed Morrissey

This looks like a valuable learning experience for the young ones, in the lesson of what advertising actually means. Hopefully everyone gets their money back, and the people who sold this event get some Wonka-esque justice. Like, say, being transported to Fyre Festival II without any food, water, or shelter arranged. 

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