Nikki Haley's $100 Million Faceplant

It’s hard to overstate how embarrassing Haley’s results are. In the Nevada primary over 47,000 people took time out to vote for “None of these candidates,” more than twice the number who went out to vote for a breathing human being in Haley. In South Carolina, where Haley was governor, she took a 20-point beating and lost the delegate count 47-3. Passages like one in the Times noting that Haley would at least be competitive in “higher income areas” like “Hilton Head Island, a popular destination for wealthy retirees” should have been a hint about the viability of mainstream candidates, but they somehow they never are. Haley has been blitzed more or less everywhere but a few rarefied spots in the national race so far, despite raising $118 million and spending a whopping $101 million, mostly in just two states.


On the surface hers is a slightly better performance than the 2016 campaign of Jeb Bush, who spent $152 million to win a hilarious 4 delegates. That doesn’t take into account the presence of other candidates in 2016, when even John Kasich won 162 delegates with just $45 million. Haley is essentially the only opposition to a twice-impeached Republican candidate facing ten million years in prison and still can’t get off the mat, despite lavish funding and coverage that ranges from mawkish to imploring. A dead cat, a piece of driftwood, or the Unabomber would demolish her results. Baseball statisticians measure Wins Above Replacement level (WAR); political observers should score Delegates Above Deez Nuts (DADn). Haley’s number would be negative, but sure, let’s focus on a “near draw” with one demographic.

Ed Morrissey

This is more of a media complaint than a Haley complaint, so be sure to read it all. 

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