Christian Right Gonna Get Yo Momma

What frightens today's anti-Christians most is that our human rights come not from D.C. or the HR department but from a creator God, and that such an observation is "self-evident." The party of slavery (which was overturned by a cabal of Christians), segregation (ditto), secularism, and sedition -- in other words, the Democrats -- cannot tolerate this, of course. From the day Burr killed Hamilton they've been waging a war against the country as founded, importing the alien ideology of Marxism along with Emma Lazarus' huddled masses, yearning to breathe free and sow discord and discontent. 


Today, in an imperfect, recedingly Christian capitalist society the rebellion has taken root, having learned to play by the system's economic rules and create large fortunes (most of the obscene wealth in the U.S. these days is on the hard Left) for itself, but still nursing its ancient ideological grudges and cursing the very freedoms that make their lives here possible. They won't rest. 

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