Biden's Absurd Student Loan 'Solution'

And where is Congress’s effort to stop any of this? Earlier in our nation’s history, the legislative branch would assert itself and push back against executive abuses regardless of partisan loyalties. Yet, despite former House speaker Nancy Pelosi’s moment of candor in which she conceded that the president lacks the power of debt forgiveness, today’s Congressional Democrats remain mum.


Joe Biden may market himself to blue-collar voters, but his actions betray where his loyalties reside. These student loan bailouts are nothing more than a lawless sop to the upper class who will vote for and contribute to the Biden campaign. Meanwhile, they do nothing for struggling Americans and drive up the national debt for future generations to grapple with.

If Congress will not step up to assert its legislative authority, let’s hope the Supreme Court again wades in. Otherwise these executive overreaches will only continue, and when power ultimately changes Democrats will rue the day they failed to keep their coequal branch in check.

Ed Morrissey

The other absurdity to this is that it's any kind of "solution" at all. All this does is remove disincentives to the kind of debt loading that Academia now requires, and creates a moral hazard for continued bailouts. Congress should end the student-loan program altogether, given that it's now demonstrated that it can't survive without ongoing bailouts. 

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