3 Anti-Parent Activists Arrested in CA School-Board Recall Election

Three anti-parent activists have been arrested for theft in a southern California school district that is facing the recall of two pro-parent, conservative board members who won their seats as a part of the growing parental rights movement sweeping the nation. ...


Stealing and removing the campaign signs of opponents is illegal but that is exactly what anti-parent activists have been doing as they continue their dishonest campaign to thwart parent rights in public education. It’s the type of theft that can break a grassroots campaign that doesn’t have the endless financial backing of big unions. Campaign signs can run into the tens of thousands of dollars and are often the most effective type of advertising in local elections. Thefts of such signs are a deliberate and common strategy of progressive activists.

Miner and Ledesma supporters began putting electronic trackers in their signs as a precaution, which eventually led them to discover the signs in the personal possession of “Yes on recall” activists. 

Ed Morrissey

I hope they get prosecuted to the full extent of the law, but ... I somehow doubt it. 

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