Blue State Exodus a Ticking Time Bomb for Progressives

Blue state exodus is largely Red or Independent because Republicans and Independents make up the majority of people with enough money to afford a house and choose to do so in a non-blue state for tax purposes.


As a result of blue state exodus, the blue states will get bluer and bluer until the whole thing blows up in the faces of blue state politicians.

Ed Morrissey

It's already happening in California and New York, and likely will accelerate in the latter after the Engoron judgment in the Trump trial. Kathy Hochul certainly worried about it enough to try to calm people with capital about the suddenly enhanced risks of living and investing in New York. 

This is not just a red-voter exodus but also a capital exodus. What will be left in blue states is a profoundly fractured economy where the middle class no longer exists and all that's left is the poor and the super-wealthy. And California is well on its way down that path. 

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