Rape-Dismissing Judge Booted Off Illinois Court

 An Illinois judge who sparked outrage by reversing a man’s rape conviction involving a 16-year-old girl has been removed from the bench after a judicial oversight body found he circumvented the law and engaged in misconduct.


The Illinois Courts Commission removed Adams County Judge Robert Adrian from the bench Friday after it held a three-day hearing in Chicago in November on a [complaint] filed against Adrian.

Its decision says Adrian “engaged in multiple instances of misconduct” and “abused his position of power to indulge his own sense of justice while circumventing the law.”

Ed Morrissey

Apparently, Adrian told the court that “this is what happens whenever parents allow teenagers to drink alcohol, to swim in pools with their undergarments on" while dismissing the rape charge. That's an idiotic position to take, and well-known as the "short skirt" defense. It doesn't matter what a woman wears; no one has the right to sexually assault her. 

Adrian insists that he did the right thing, but not too many people agree. And rightly so. 

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