Noem to Trump: I Know I Can Help

Asked if she could help deliver Trump a win against President Joe Biden in the 2024 race as his running mate, she instinctively responded, “Oh, I know I could.”

In an interview with the Washington Examiner following her Friday speech at the American Conservative Union’s 2024 Conservative Political Action Conference, Noem cited her “experience running businesses, being a governor, serving in Congress, but most of all, being a mom” as evidence of this.


Noem explained being a mother means “I have the ability to always get up every day and think about what kind of a country am I leaving my kids,” noting she also has “two grandbabies.”

Ed Morrissey

She probably would help. So could Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Both are governors and may be seen as more natural back-ups to the president. Huckabee Sanders worked well with Trump in his first term, too. 

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