More Trouble for Fani? Jordan Claims Whistleblower Has Come Forward


In a conversation Friday with American Conservative Union Chairman Matt Schlapp at the Conservative Political Action Conference, Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan (R) noted Willis’ tardy response to a subpoena that had been issued for documents at the beginning of the month.

“We haven’t heard back from her yet — we’ll see what we get from her — but there’s a whistleblower in her office who we have talked to, our committee staff,” said the Judiciary chair to applause from the audience. ...

“The whistleblower, I think she’s like 4-foot-11, but Fani Willis had seven police like escort her out when she fired this lady because this lady raised the concern that Ms. Willis was…not following the grant — rules of the grant and the grant dollars in the appropriate manner,” detailed Jordan.

“She’s now talking with our office and we’ll see where that goes,” he added “And that’s why we subpoenaed for records and documents related to this.”

Ed Morrissey

Stay tuned, but Jordan seems pretty indiscreet with his description of an "unnamed" whistleblower. How many 4-11 attorneys have been escorted out of the DA's office?

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