New: Swalwell Spent $50K of Campaign Funds on Super Bowl, NFL Events

California Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell, known for using his campaign war chest as a "personal piggy bank," according to watchdog group American Accountability Foundation, spent campaign funds at the Super Bowl and paid $50,000 to NFL teams for "event tickets," records show. ...


Swalwell’s attendance raises questions about how a congressman known for facing financial struggles was able to afford tickets that cost at least $10,000 apiece. It could also fuel complaints that Swalwell has used campaign money to fund an elaborate lifestyle. In 2021, a conservative watchdog group accused Swalwell of illegally using campaign funds for personal expenses, citing $20,000 in payments for luxury hotel stays. In December, Swalwell’s campaign paid $1,700 for his stay at the Burj al Arab, a five-star hotel in Dubai.

Swalwell may have used campaign money to pay a babysitter while he and his wife attended the Super Bowl. The campaign reimbursed Swalwell $540 on Feb. 12, a day after the game, for child care.

Ed Morrissey

Was the babysitter Fang Fang? 

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