Are ‘Islamists in Charge of Britain’? Sure Seems Like It

The government, both the major parties, the police, and the security services need to understand we no longer have the luxury of pretending this issue away. 


People who threaten violence should be arrested and locked up for a very long time. If the threats are directed against elected MPs, that is an attempt to subvert our democracy and should be treated as such, with severe sentences. Foreign nationals who engage in, call for, fund, or glorify violence, religious hatred, or other violent extremism should be deported immediately.

We must be honest with ourselves. If we do not act now, as sadly I am almost certain we won’t, the result will be more violence and more intimidation. It is not a pleasant truth to have to admit, but things will only get worse if we refuse to speak it.

Ed Morrissey

Sure seems like it to us too, and it seems as though they control Academia in the US as well. 

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