Three KFCs Flee Chicago

KFC was a 35-year staple of the neighborhood, and it’s now gone forever.

Fox 32 adds, “This comes less than one month after Cinema Chatham, a local movie theater, shut down. It came as a surprise to community members.”



What’s fascinating here — outside of the obvious — is that these businesses have wised up. Rather than announce their intent to close — which means weeks of protests and being smeared as racist — they “abruptly shut off” the lights and hightail it out of town. I love it.

Ed Morrissey

Politicians are venting about KFC's unannounced departure, which prompted John's rebuke, but they're the problem. They refuse to allow police to enforce the law properly and to have prosecutors actually put criminals behind bars. The Left loves to use the chant "No Justice, No Peace," but we should update that to "No Justice, No KFCs."

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