'No Peace, B****'

Maybe it was Lake’s off-kilter remarks about Meghan’s dead father and Arizona’s former politician, maybe it was Lake’s staunch embrace of Trump-ism at the expense of the Arizona GOP, which might’ve won the governor’s seat if Lake was a better unifier; probably it was a combination of the two. But McCain wasn’t charmed by Lake’s Twitter appeal. “Kari Lake is trying to walk back her continued attacks on my Dad (& family) and all of his loyal supporters after telling them to ‘get the hell out’,” Meghan said in response. “Guess she realized she can’t become a Senator without us. No peace, b****. We see you for who you are – and are repulsed by it.”


It would take a lot for a girl to forgive a politician who publicly slandered her late father, and forgiveness might have been better sought in private, not on X. That Lake posted the appeal online only goes to prove Meghan’s criticisms of Lake — that she does everything for show or for votes.

Ed Morrissey

Strack's right -- that was a lame move by making it public. Why not just find an intercessor for a private reach-out? If you spend a few years trashing someone's dead father to aggrandize yourself, expecting a gracious response to this grandstanding tweet is almost delusional. 

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