Report to UN Reveals 'Ghastly' Details About Hamas Rape & Murder Spree

The chilling report from the Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel was presented to the UN Special Envoy on Sexual Violence in Conflict Areas, who visited Israel earlier this month to hear testimonies of sexual abuse.


An overview of the findings states: 'Hamas terrorists employed sadistic practices aimed at intensifying the degree of humiliation and terror inherent in sexual violence. 'Many of the bodies of sexual crime victims were found bound and shackled.

'The genitals of both women and men were brutally mutilated, and sometimes weapons were inserted into them. The terrorists did not stop at shooting, they also cut and mutilated sexual organs and other body parts with knives.'

The testimonies included claims Hamas gunmen repeatedly stabbed an injured woman while they raped her; that victims had nails, grenades and knives inserted into their sexual organs; and how survivors fleeing the festival witnessed 'girls whose pelvises were simply broken from being raped so much'.

Ed Morrissey

Someone needs to read this from the floor of the House and force Rashida Tlaib to sit and listen to it. 

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