New: Saudi Media Reports Hamas Has 'Softened Its Positions'

Hamas has "softened its positions" in the negotiations for a hostage deal, Saudi newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat reported on Wednesday, citing diplomatic sources.


According to the report, an Israeli delegation was expected to arrive in Cairo ahead of the talks. ...

Minister-without-portfolio Benny Gantz said in a press conference on Wednesday, "There are attempts these days to promote a new outline for a deal, and initial signs indicate the possibility of moving forward."

Ed Morrissey

Perhaps the Israeli ultimatum demanding all hostages returned by Ramadan to prevent an all-out assault on Rafah finally convinced Hamas that their perceived leverage has turned out to be a mirage. Or maybe the Egyptian repudiation of their position stung more than expected. Or maybe they're about to be wiped out and need to get a deal to survive. Let's hope Israel doesn't let them off the hook, but can get the hostages out alive too.

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