IDF Plans to Establish Local Control of Gaza City by Independents

The IDF is advancing plans to establish a local Palestinian governing body to replace Hamas in the Zeitun neighborhood of Gaza City, Channel 12 reports without citing any sources.


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said Israel wants local Palestinian community leaders who are not affiliated with either Hamas or the Palestinian Authority to take over the governance of Gaza after the war.

Channel 12 says Zeitun will serve as a pilot program for this effort, adding that IDF officials have already met with a group of unnamed Palestinian community leaders who will be tasked with governing the area.

Ed Morrissey

Read on for some of the obvious drawbacks. First off, finding unaffiliated Gazans will be at least as difficult as "de-Nazification" was for the Allies in 1945 Germany. Second, anyone who cooperates with the IDF even for autonomy will be marked for death at some point. That's why Israel needs to get the Saudis, Egyptians, and Jordanians in place to administer Gaza. 

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