Desperate and Bitter Is Not a Winning Strategy

If you saw Nikki Haley’s press conference yesterday, you have to ask if she ever watches the playback of her speeches? Actors, dancers, athletes…everyone needs to watch game films or the playback of speeches. Where are the mistakes, play breakdowns, places where focus was lost or just plain bad habits? How can you improve your game? Are you sending the message you want to send? Do you think bitter and desperate was the message that the Haley campaign was trying to send? Most candidates improve with time. Nimrata has gotten worse. Games films. Game films and more game films. ...


Hey Nikki, we got it. You are a bad a$$ chick. Boo-freaking-yah.

Ed Morrissey

I'd refer you to Morrissey's Axiom on Dating and Politics: Desperation is not an aphrodisiac.

Frankly, though, this doesn't seem so much desperation as it resembles obstinacy. If Haley was desperate, she'd be pandering to the MAGA faction. Obstinacy isn't much of an aphrodisiac either, of course. 

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