Biden Pours Out Another $6.5 Billion for the CHIPS Act's Costly Protectionism

The CHIPS and Science Act has several eyebrow-raising elements, including $81 billion for the National Science Foundation—doubling the agency's budget over five years. Another $24 billion will go toward tax credits meant to subsidize and incentivize private companies to invest in semiconductors.


While the legislation was likely well-intentioned, it was doomed to have protectionist ramifications. "To defeat China, the argument goes, the U.S. must adopt the tactics of the Chinese Communist Party, at least when it comes to high-end manufacturing," Reason's Eric Boehm wrote in January 2023. But that ham-handed approach to industrial policy and corporate welfare drives up the deficit and hampers economic growth at very little benefit to the taxpayer, who are forced to fund these initiatives. 

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