Academia DEI Bureaucracy a Threat to Free Speech

Harper’s position is that “an institution loses its fidelity to its mission” when DEI offices in higher education are closed. “There are nearly 5,000 colleges and universities across the United States,” he said. “Most of them include some language in their missions about preparing students for citizenship in a diverse democracy and other commitments to offering and assuring an inclusive learning environment for all students.”


Harper goes on to argue that, rather than going too far, DEI offices don’t go far enough. “Students of color, most especially, are not feeling like colleges are as liberal and as welcoming and inclusive as the DEI obstructionists are claiming them to be,” he said, and added that DEI offices are often underfunded and unable to do the work they’re setting out to do.

You’ll, of course, notice the use of what Greg flagged during the segment as “more advanced insult technology,” which is used in place of making an actual argument. Harper referred to “diversity obstructionists” as being the problem on campus rather than the DEI bureaucracies themselves. He also predictably dismissed the incidents of clear violations of free speech and academic freedom on campus, which are a direct result of DEI bureaucracy, as mere “anecdotes.”

Ed Morrissey

At least Lukianoff found someone from the DEI bureaucrats willing to debate. Most of them just rely on ad hominem attacks to shut down dissent and discussion. 

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