Ex-Mossad Official: Netanyahu Missed His Chance to Destroy Hamas

Prime Minister Netanyahu could have prevented Hamas’s October 7 terror attack by cutting the terror group’s funding supply, Mossad’s former Head of Economic Warfare Udi Levy told the BBC on Monday. 


Levy told the BBC that Netanyahu failed to act on intelligence, which would have disrupted Hamas’s military capabilities. He continued to tell the source that Hamas could have been destroyed "by using only financial tools.” ...

Speaking on a specific incident, Levy pointed to a 2014 discovery where Netanyahu failed to act on intelligence, which found an alleged multi-million-dollar investment portfolio controlled by Hamas and managed out of Turkey.

Ed Morrissey

The Israelis are champing at the bit to get accountability for the failures that led to October 7. Netanyahu is likely facing the end of his political career when the time comes for Israel to hold elections again, which are scheduled for 2026 but could get initiated by the Knesset at any time. Watch for more of this debate to surface soon. 

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