Cardinal Dolan: Calm Down

“So, anyway, I think our cathedral did well,” he said, before suggesting that secular media outlets have misrepresented the cathedral’s role in the funeral. “We have a lot of misunderstanding. Why in the world are people out there still believing what the secular press reports, is beyond me.”


Dolan pointed to a statement from Father Enrique Salvo, the pastor of St. Patrick’s Cathedral. ... Dolan called that statement “excellent.”

“Why people still think the cathedral purposefully did that; well, a lot of people always want to believe the worst, and they don’t like us anymore than the protesters did in the cathedral,” the cardinal said. “But who knows?”

Ed Morrissey

The secular press didn't report what actually transpired, however; it was the Catholic press that reported on the behavior in detail. It sounds like Dolan's happier with the secular-press coverage than that of Catholic media orgs, whose reporting is driving the anger among Catholics. 

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