The New Yorker Wonders: Is the Media Prepared for an Extinction-Level Event?

Ads are scarce, search and social traffic is dying, and readers are burned out. The future will require fundamentally rethinking the press's relationship to its audience.

It would be nice if you stopped lying to that audience all the time.

And as far as an audience being "burned out:" maybe you could stop the endless Cycles of Crisis where one Outrage is only displaced by the next Cause for Alarm and then that is replaced by the next Moral Panic.

Maybe your liberal readers -- who are highly neurotic, as every survey shows -- wouldn't be so burned out if you weren't constantly lighting their nervous systems on fire with your panic pornography.

Ed Morrissey

It would also be less acute if the media's favored lefty groups hadn't begun punishing advertisers for buying online ads that run on conservative as well as progressive platforms. Perhaps it was a mistake in retrospect to discourage advertisers by panicking them over "misinformation" on media sites they don't like. As it turns out, media ad buyers don't want to micromanage ad placement and simply just opt to put their cash elsewhere. 

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