The bill to mandate affirmative consent policies and procedures in institutions of higher education awaits the governor’s signature. If signed, advocates hope it will make college campuses safer.
HB 151, sponsored by state Rep. Liz Thomson, D-Albuquerque, was a bill brought forward in response to the sexual assault allegations made last year on New Mexico State University’s basketball team. The bill was amended in the Senate Judiciary Committee in the final days of the session. That amendment removed specific language about trauma-informed investigation policies and a requirement for college campuses to have official linkages to sexual assault providers in the communities where the the campuses reside.
Alexandria Taylor, executive director of New Mexico Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs, said the organization would look for other ways to ensure institutions of higher education have linkages to providers so that when an incident happens, officials can make referrals.
“We want people to be supported,” Taylor said.
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