Let Newspapers Die. It's a Suicide Anyway.

One reason newspapers are failing to maintain their circulation is their failure to maintain their credibility. Trust in all news organizations fell from 76% in 2016 to 58% in 2021. It is not that the media gets the story wrong; it is that the media seldom admits it was wrong.


Has anyone seen a newspaper correction about the crazy coverage of covid that proved to be wrong, wrong, wrong? Has anyone in the media apologized for dismissing ivermectin as horse medicine? Has anyone admitted the vaccine wasn’t a vaccine? A few news outlets and media personalities have finally said, gee, it really came from a bioweapons lab in Wuhan.

The New York Times and Washington Post still bitterly cling to their Pulitzers for pushing the Russian Hoax. They are the Jussie Smolletts of journalism.

Ed Morrissey

Most of us recall growing up with the morning paper, or papers, as a kind of ritual for those who desired an informed citizenry. We don't need that on paper these days, any more than our cars require buggy whips. But even more to Don's point, what value is there from news media that don't report actual news but instead regurgitate tendentious political propaganda and call it journalism, using the old mastheads of the publications that used to actually report news?

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