Medical Journal Retracts Three Studies Showing Health Risks of Chemical Abortions

This week, Sage publications announced that it was retracting three studies that found that chemical abortions pose health risks. The primary author of each of these studies was James Studnicki, the vice president and director of data analytics at the Charlotte Lozier Institute. Co-authors of these studies included researchers from the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG) and the Eliot Institute. The announcement of the retraction has received a great deal of media attention. That is because these studies were cited by Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk in his April 2023 decision to suspend FDA approval of mifepristone, one of the drugs used in chemical abortions. This case has gone through the appeal process and the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in March.


Much of the rationale that Sage used to retract these studies does not withstand serious scrutiny. Sage claimed the lead author “declared no conflict of interest.” However, the pro-life organizations with which the authors are affiliated are clearly mentioned on the first page of each study. Sage also claims that an outside reviewer for each of the studies was a scholar affiliated with the Charlotte Lozier Institute. However, Sage’s review process is double-blind. Neither the authors nor the reviewer were aware of one another’s identity. Furthermore, it is extremely unlikely that any of these studies were accepted because of one supportive review. When a journal accepts a study, it is usually because there is a consensus among reviewers to publish the research.

Ed Morrissey

The study-publication field has been corrupted by politics and a lack of scrutiny. This is a great example of the former. 

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