Nikki Nixed in Nevada by 'None'

Nikki Haley's shadowboxing: Last night, the results of Nevada's Republican presidential primary were tallied up. Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, who was running basically unopposed, received fewer votes than the option "none of these candidates." Yes, you read that right. ...


The dual-primary system in Nevada is confusing and frankly kind of stupid, so Haley's bad showing doesn't count for anything other than embarrassment, and the fact that so many people felt comfortable giving a protest vote doesn't count for much given the utter insignificance of the contest.

Ed Morrissey

But it wasn't even close, and that counts for something. The Nevada GOP will assign its delegates in its caucuses rather than from the primary this year, and Haley was practically the only candidate (Mike Pence was another) who refused to participate in those. How did Nevada primary voters reward her for sticking with the normal process?

Utterly embarrassing. We haven't seen any fresh polling out of South Carolina since the Monmouth poll two weeks ago that had her trailing Trump 58/32, but Haley's heading for another embarrassment in her home state. Jazz had more on this earlier, too. 

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