Why the Trump Veepstakes is a Serious Parlor Game

It’s time for that ever-so-popular quadrennial parlor game, who will fill-in-the-blank __________ pick for Vice President? Usually the purview of political nerds and talking heads. Donald Trump will be a lame-duck as soon as he is inaugurated and his Vice-President needs to beginning running for 2028 AND be a loyal -hardworking Vice-President at the same time. This time, it’s too important. The Republic is at stake. The choice must be a wise one. Let the Trump Veepstakes begin.


Donald Trump loves to keep people guessing, to gig the establishment and send the Bloodhounds down false trails. As our Carol wrote, are we being punked with some of these names? Who can blame him? The Never Trumpers, especially, think Trump is stupid, so he might as well play with them. The Daily Wire wrote about his two latest: South Carolina’s Junior Senator Tim Scott and Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota, the very telegenic, current Conservative IT girl. They are also-rans in my Trump Veepstakes, but let’s see what the Daily Wire has to say:

Former President Donald Trump named two people during an interview over the weekend when asked about who he is considering to be his vice presidential running mate.

Trump mentioned Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) and South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem when asked during a Sunday interview with Maria Bartiromo about who he was considering.

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