Bay Area School Tried 'Woke Kindergarten.' Guess How That Turned Out.

Glassbrook Elementary School in Hayward paid $250,000 for a company called Woke Kindergarten to train its teachers in topics like white supremacy and oppression, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.


To pay Woke Kindergarten, the school used federal funds — money from a federal program meant to help boost test scores for the country’s lowest-performing schools, the Chronicle reported. ...

In the meantime, the school’s flagging student achievement has become even more dismal.

English and math scores have both declined four percentage points each. Less than 4% of students were proficient in math, and less than 12% of students were proficient in English as of last spring.

Ed Morrissey

Why would the test scores improve? They're not prioritizing actual education by engaging with 'Woke Kindergarten.' They're prioritizing social and ideological indoctrination. Read the rest of the report to see just how far that goes, too. 

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