OR Supreme Court Bars GOP State Senators From Reelection Runs After Summer Walkout

The Oregon Supreme Court ruled Thursday that 10 Republican state senators who participated in a weeks-long walkout last summer aimed at delaying the passage of bills that would provide “gender-affirming care” to minors and provide abortion access to minors, are barred from seeking re-election this November.


Last year’s boycott ended up being the longest in state history after Republican lawmakers delayed the passage of the bills for roughly six weeks. Oregon law requires two-thirds of the state’s legislative body to be present in order for new measures to be voted on.

Thursday’s ruling upholds Democratic Oregon Secretary of State LaVonne Griffin-Valade’s decision to bar the lawmakers from seeking re-election under a measure aimed at stopping such boycotts. Measure 113, which was passed by voters in the blue state last year, amended the state constitution to bar lawmakers from the ballot if they have more than 10 unexcused absences.

[I’m not sure that they have any place to appeal to, so however pissed off they might be, this could stick. ~ Beege]

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