Cuban Dictatorship Sending 89 Slave Doctors to Honduras

From our Bureau of Twenty-First Century Neoslavery with some assistance from our Bureau of Absolutely Revolting Latrine American Antics and our Bureau of Lauzanosophy


Never mind the shortage of doctors in Cuba. Once again, Castro, Inc. is proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that it doesn’t give a hoot about the Cuban people. Its main objective and sole concern is staying in power. And in order to do this it needs to send slave doctors to any nation that will take them. So what if the Cuban people die like flies or endure agonizing illnesses? And so what if the doctors sent abroad are no different from slaves of old? If this is what it takes to stay in power, this is what will have to happen.

And much of the blame for this criminal behavior goes to the nations who purchase the services of these slaves. In this case, Hondura’s leftist president Xiomara Castro is complicit in the blatant exploitation of the Cuban doctors. She is doing this to help Castro, Inc., knowingly and willfully. To add some frosting on this poisoned cake, she will also be sending Honduran medical students for training in Castrogonia. Absolutely revolting.

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