What Do You Expect?

Let’s now head up to Connecticut, where it took approximately 20 minutes – TWENTY MINUTES! – for a newly-placed tampon dispenser in the BOYS BATHROOM to be ripped down and torn to pieces.


This violent act led to a doozy of an email from school principal Marc Balanda (pronouns: he/him):

Hilarious. And, frankly, sooooo predictable. It’s been a while since I was in school, but you had to see this one coming from a mile away.

What did they expect would happen?

[I had the same reaction, which is that this is perhaps not even a protest. Back in my day … more than 40 years ago … fixtures routinely got vandalized, and without putting tampons in the boy’s room. That’s basically begging for someone to target the most useless fixture in the restroom, and a tampon dispenser in a high school boy’s restroom is practically the definition of ‘useless.’ — Ed]

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