Is this a free democratic society? We think not. Charlatan modellers and civil liberty executioners have been showered with honours and sycophantic treatment while Western governments criticised China for adopting similar measures. Look not to Russia or China as the enemies. They are here among us, pressing you to conform, think and act alike like Fritz Lange’s zombie-like citizens in his greatest movie, Metropolis.
Our disgust at what we suspected but is now confirmed knows no bounds. Free people should not tolerate influencers, lightweight healthcare decision-makers, boot lickers, profiteers, and politickers.
The time has come to get rid of the whole lot of them. It is not difficult to eliminate cowards trying to cover their tracks and empty heads, suggesting the latest idiotic policy to circumvent it. We keep calling them out with the help of the populace they rule over. We need your help to keep going, but we must confess that the clowns being deposed by Mr Dawson have given us a leg up.
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