How characteristic of Biden to cut off lawful visas for Israelis while he lawlessly issues hundreds of thousands of faux Biden visas to illegal aliens to usher them into the United States — heedless of the damage it is doing to the education, health-care, law-enforcement, and social-services budgets of American cities and states.
Of course, on the bright side, Biden hasn’t yet followed through on his State Department’s signal that it is mulling formal recognition of Palestinian statehood. That would be vintage Biden: Statehood is the carrot administrations of both parties would not give the Palestinians even when they were pretending to participate in a diplomatic “peace process,” because they refused to renounce terrorism, concede Israel’s right to exist, and abandon the “right of return” for hundreds of thousands of Palestinian “refugees”; now, Biden contemplates giving them statehood as a reward for their jihadist war of terrorist aggression aimed at extirpating Israel.
[I think he’s a willing collaborator more than a POW (my term, not Andy’s). All he needs to do is forcefully tell progressives to stop promoting terrorists to get them to stand down. The Clintons managed to do that when necessary, and even Obama didn’t offer statehood as a consequence of Hamas’ war on Israel in 2014. Biden’s weak, dishonorable, and corrupt. — Ed]
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