Netanyahu's Gaza Plan: Military Gov't Transitioning to New 'Palestinian Authority'

Stage one involves the creation of a comprehensive Israeli military government in Gaza to oversee humanitarian aid and assume responsibility for the civilian population during a “transition period.”


Concurrently, stage two will see the formation of an international Arab coalition, including Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Morocco, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and others. This coalition is to be part of a broader regional normalization agreement, backing the establishment of “the new Palestinian Authority.”

Officials, neither affiliated with Hamas nor directly associated with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s (Abu Mazen) guard, will inherit Gaza’s governance from Israel, concluding the military administration. Israel will maintain the right to conduct security operations in Gaza, mirroring its operations in the West Bank, whenever operational needs to counter terror or terror infrastructures emerge. …

Should this stage proceed smoothly within a predefined two to four-year timeline, Israel will recognize a delineated Palestinian state within the Palestinian Authority territories and consider transferring additional, non-settlement-requiring lands to that state.


[Well, this would certainly answer the demands for Israel to support a two-state solution, The question is whether the US and Saudis will allow Netanyahu to cut Fatah out of the picture as well as Hamas, as this is precisely what Netanyahu is proposing in this plan (assuming the report’s accuracy, of course). The West and the Sunnis have clung to the remnants of Arafat’s organization despite Arafat’s many betrayals as the only legitimate voice of the Palestinians, but the rise of Hamas and its feud with Fatah undermines that claim — and in truth, neither of them are partners for peace anyway. — Ed]

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